Summer Skin Care Tips (& Why It's Different Than Winter)


In my opinion, your skin is something worth investing in... with both time and money. It's so important to take care of and protect your skin. One thing we don't think about so much is that with the change of seasons our skin care regimen should change accordingly. In the Summer when temperatures and humidity tend to be higher (especially in Chicago) our skin tends to be a bit more oily so we need to change things up a bit. What's the Summertime routine?... cleanse, detoxify, exfoliate and we still have to moisturize to make sure we don't dehydrate our skin! Here are a few tips for how to combat the heat and sweat and save your skin this Summer! 


First, we cleanse. For cleansing, my favorite is a gel based probiotic cleanser. Why gel? I like the gel texture and something that foams because in my opinion I really feel like it's cleaning my skin. I even take my makeup off just with cleanser. Why probiotic? Probiotics are good bacterias...when you think probiotic you probably think of something to calm your stomach (ie: kombucha). Well, the same bacteria that are most well known to help calm your stomach are also proven to help restore your skin’s natural balance. In turn, probiotics leave your skin more hydrated, more radiant, and more resistant to future damage. Sounds pretty good... I use Tula's Purifying Cleanser  both morning and night (in Winter I only use it at night).

Next is exfoliation! If you don't exfoliate now, it's time to add this step. Start with exfoliation twice a week and work your way up to 3 times! Using an exfoliating clay mask a few times a week will will help clear up congested pores, allow your skin to really absorb the product the way you want it to and will help with controlling your skin's oil production which will work wonders for your skin, especially in the Summer! I use Tula's Exfoliating Treatment Mask 3 times a week first thing after I cleanse my skin (usually after a shower) and it makes my skin feel so smooth- I can really feel my moisturizer absorb more after using it. 


Third is toning! Toner makes sure all dead skin cells and dirt on the surface of your skin has been washed away and and it also purifies your pores which is key. I use Tula's Pro Glycolic pH Resurfacing Gel which does just that.  I used to never use a toner because my routine was pretty simple. But, about 3 months ago I added this step because I was told how important it was and the difference I have noticed is amazing. My skin honestly feels cleaner, smoother and tighter.


Your final step is moisturizing and it is SO important. Depending on how much moisture your skin needs you can use a heavier or lighter formula. Personally, I use Tula's heavier formula, their Multi Spectrum Overnight Cream every night. But, if you don't need as much moisture I recommend the Day & Night Cream which you can apply before bed. It is also light enough for daytime, still gives you a lot of moisture and helps give your skin that healthy glow.

Have any questions about your skincare routine or looking for other tips!? Leave them in the comments and I would be happy to answer! 

xx Ali

Shop my look & Summer skincare necessities (the exact products I use) and use code: ALI20 for 20% off! HERE: