Stay Home & Improve Your Hair Health While You're At It
This Post is Sponsored By Waterl<ss
You guys have been on this journey to healthy hair with me for awhile, and I’ve loved sharing with you what works, what doesn’t, and what has made a really big difference in the strength of my hair. I would have to say, the greatest change in reversing the breakage of my hair has been washing less! Which makes sense; you’re letting your scalp’s natural oils work their magic, and you’re drying out your hair less! I know making the change to washing less can be a bit overwhelming… your hair has to get used to it and that can take time. SO! If you’ve been wanting to make the change to washing less but haven’t taken the leap, this time at home is the perfect excuse to give your hair the extra OOMPH it needs and I have the perfect products to help you get there!
Ya’ll know I love my dry shampoo, but how about dry conditioner, dry fragrance spray and whole line of haircare products that make you b-e-a-utiful without the H2O! Hello Waterl<ss! This incredible brand was born in Cape Town, South Africa during the Day Zero water crisis in early 2018. They wanted to create a line of products for every hair type that wouldn’t require a single drop of water!
Let’s chat a little bit more about Waterl<ss because they have such a cool story! It all started with a small team of scientists… Their goal? Improve the non-wash days for lots of different people and lots of different hair types. The Waterl<ss line is designed to give you products that work on diverse hair types to give you clean, conditioned, and great smelling hair without using ANY water. Told you I had the perfect line to make washing less more attainable!
My biggest beauty staple is my dry shampoo (seriously, I could go through a bottle a week). Not only does it freshen up my hair, but I also love the texture my hair gets when there’s extra product in it, so I’ve made dry shampoo- currently using the No Residue Version- a part of my styling routine (even when my hair is clean)! The addition of The Weightless Smooth dry conditioner which I had never used before discovering this line & fragrance spray has made washing less even more attainable and more beautiful! Whether you’re looking to conserve water and/or improve your hair health by washing less, these products are for YOU.
These products are available online at Walmart !
Stay happy stay healthy (your hair too)
xx Ali