Taking Time To Enjoy The Little Things


A big thanks to Cupcake Vineyards for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Life is a funny thing. You work tirelessly towards your goals to live the life you’ve dreamed of and suddenly, years have gone by. Growing up, I always listened to people talk about how time flies… When you’re young you look forward to the weekends and want the weeks to hurry on past. As you get older, you come to learn that all those adults were right. Time fricken flies and I don’t know about you, but I sure wish I could live every day twice (have you seen the movie, About Time)?

Running your own business tends to take over life. Finding a work life balance is something that I’ve really struggled with these last couple of years. Sometimes, weeks pass by and I’ve realized that I haven’t done anything that’s completely for my personal life and not at all for work. I’m so grateful that I love what I do and I’m not at all complaining! BUT! I am trying to be better about taking time, real time, for myself, for my family, my friends and hopefully one day for a boy who’s not my dog. HA!  I’ve learned that being busy isn’t glamorous and it’s easy to take the little things for granted. So, I’ve started to make it a real point to take time to enjoy the little things.

At the beginning of the Summer, my best friend and I started having weekly date nights on my balcony. There’s not much that’s more pleasant than dining al fresco! It’s some personal time that I always look forward to. We don’t look at phones, we normally order sushi, we of course eat dessert and obviously there’s wine! 

cupcake vineyards butterkissed chardonnay

Oh! Wine! Now, that’s something not so little that (hopefully) I’ll always take the time to enjoy. The wine we got stuck on this Summer is Cupcake Vineyards Butterkissed Chardonnay. I always have a bottle (actually right now I think I have 5 bottles) in my fridge. It’s fresh and smooth with hints of luscious butter and white peach. YUM. I’m not a major fan of super sweet wines and this one is the perfect balance of fresh, smooth and aromatic without being overly sweet. This wine is a rich, decadent take on something timeless. The grapes are grown in the sun-drenched vineyards of California and the result is a rich Chardonnay with notes of rich butter, vanilla and citrus zest and a smooth, creamy feel.

We generally place an order for delivery, pop open a bottle and enjoy a glass outside before the food arrives and chat each other’s ears off!!! The Cupcake Vineyards Butterkissed Chardonnay is the perfect start to a night off and to end it for that matter… It’s funny how memories and laughs can totally be held within a glass of wine. Many of my fondest memories from this past Summer are from some of the simplest moments. Their commonalities? Great friends, time away from technology and of course, a glass (or a few) of great wine. 

cupcake wine

What are some of your favorite simplest moments? How do you make time to enjoy  the little things?

xx Ali