10 Easy Ways To Clean Up Your Diet


Ok you guys... it's been a super fun but crazy last 2 weeks. If you follow me on Instagram you know through my stories that I had 3 friends come stay with me from out of town, all at different times and after that, had a staycation at The Peninsula. While having guests is a blast, it's not so great for your workout routine or diet... or at least not for mine. With my Italy trip coming up quick and lots of cute suits to wear it's time to kick it into gear. I'm generally a very healthy eater and luckily, I love to workout. But, nobody loves a big old bowl of pasta or froyo doused in oreos more than I do. I grew up in a family of obsessively healthy eaters. I'm a very healthy eater but believe it or not, I'm the least healthy eater of the four of us in my family.  Growing up I've learned so many different tips and tricks to eat clean. I have a go-to "diet" that I always try to abide by, but after my last weeks with my wonderful friends, it's time to be strict. I'm going to combat the amazing food fest of the last 2 weeks (proof below) and abide by my go-to rules for eating clean... and if you're wondering... Yes, these photos are all from the last 2 weeks, yes, I did have two hot dogs in that time and yes, I had wayyyyyyyy too many cocktails.

1. Drink Tons Of Water

I know you've heard this one before but it's an absolute key to clean eating. Bonus if you drink water with lemon (great for cleansing your bod) and double bonus if you start your morning with a cup of hot water with lemon. The hot liquid revs your metabolism into gear where as ice cold water can shock your system and slow it down.

2. Eliminate Dairy

Yes. We all love cheese and ice cream but dairy is a killer and totally bloats you. Honestly, cutting it out isn't so hard! Don't buy it for home and when you're out... Just say "no cheese please" for whatever you're ordering. It's such a simple way to eliminate something that does no good for our body (besides our taste buds, of course).

3. Cap Off Happy Hour At One Drink

As much as we'd all love to drink rosé all day... Alcohol is a total killer when you're trying to eat clean. Do your best to limit your alcohol intake. I'm not saying give up happy hour with your girls but try and limit it to one cocktail. Alcohol drags your body down quickly!

4. Don't Eat After 8pm

This is one of my favorite tips but it can be a tough one. We all love snacking at night (right? or is that just me? ha!) but eating before bed is a big no no when trying to eat clean or slim down. My trick it to brush my teeth right after I eat dinner and then if I get the urge to snack, I tell myself my teeth are already clean so I can't!

5. No Fried Food!!!

In my opinion this is the easiest one! Chances are you're not deep frying food at home so just don't order it when you're out (as tempting as fried cheese curds and chicken tenders are- yumm yummm) they're SO bad for you and are clogging your arteries. So, just stop! But, trust me, I'm not saying never eat it again.. We all need our indulgences once in a while! But when you're eating clean, just stay away from the fried oily goodness....

6. Limit Carbs

For me, this is the hardest one. Like I mentioned earlier, nobody loves a big ol' bowl of pasta like I do... But carbs bloat you like none other! There's an easy way to limit your carbs though! Make your sandwiches open faced, eat your burger with lettuce instead of a bun, try zucchini or sweet potato noodles instead of pasta! As much as you'll miss those joyous carbs you'll be amazed by how much flatter your stomach is in just a short 5-7 days of little to no carbs.

 7. Stay Away From Processed Foods Including Sugar

This is another tough one but is a total life saver when eating clean if you're able to do so. Processed foods (pretty much anything that comes packaged) has lots of nasty shit. Not everything, but a lot of it does. If you're able to, try and stay away from processed foods and stick to tons of veggies, lots of lean protein (chicken, seafood and grass fed beef) and fruits!

8. Stick To Good Fats

We all need fat in our diet. But some fats are working for our bodies and not against us! So try and stick to foods with good fats, such as avocados, salmon, eggs and nuts.

9. Eat Breakfast and Small Meals Throughout The Day Instead of Waiting Until You're Starving

This is a super important and easy one. Starting off your day with a healthy breakfast will kick start your metabolism and give your body energy for the day. It's best to feed your body healthy options throughout the day instead of not eating until you're starving and then over eating.

10. Stick To It!

Here is the most important tip! Don't give up! The first few days of eating clean are tough and you definitely will have cravings. But if you push past those first few days, the cravings start to subside and then totally go away! After that, clean eating doesn't seem like a chore anymore, you just get used to it! I never feel better or have more energy than when I'm eating clean!

Do you guys have any clean eating tips that you live by and love!? If so, please share! I'm always so interested in your guys' ideas and lifestyles!

xx Ali

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